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How to be a better rapper in 5 easy steps

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How to be a better rapper in 5 easy steps

How to be a better rapper in 5 easy steps

If you’re trying to figure out how to be a better rapper there are many things that you should know.

What’s holding your back?

Are you happy with your rapping or feeling like it could use some work?

If so, here are 5 easy steps on how to be a better rapper! **Disclaimer: These tips might not get you signed but sure will improve your rapping skills.**

1. Write your own lyrics

Don’t rap like someone else is writing your words for you. Be original!

Why record an amateur rapper when you can hire me? Tell executives they need to pay the big bucks if they want good material.

To prove that you’re not just a wannabe and truly believe in becoming be a better rapper in 5 easy steps

2. Learn how to rap fast and slow, with varying rhythms

a)Being able to rap fast is important if you want to be taken seriously.

b) Know your lyrics in and out.

Memorize all the lyrics in your song. By knowing them well, you can focus more on what you’re saying instead of having to think about each word due to lack of preparation beforehand.

3. Practice often – record yourself so you can see what needs improvement if you can’t come up with lyrics, don’t force it

a) In the end, delivery is more important than sounding perfect.

b) If you’re going to be recording a professional song, at least have a working knowledge of your lyrics.

How to be a better rapper in 5 easy steps

4. Find a good beat online or create one of your own, then practice rapping over it .

a)Find a beat the sounds good to the ear, and make sure it’s easy enough for you to keep up with.

b) Add some flare by adding an acapella of a different song at the beginning or end of your track

Throw in some extra flair by putting in another song’s backing music at some point during

 5. Study the masters – watch videos on YouTube of other rappers performing their music or listen to some old school hip hop for inspiration.

This will allow you to study what they do and how they move that microphone stand, what hand motions they use, or even how long they exhale into the microphone.

An additional Step

6) Put in the work! You’ll be surprised at how quickly you improve when you put in time and effort into learning this skill that has taken others years to master.

Any additional tips for rap beginners?  What’s your opinion on those who want to be a fully fledged rapper, but have no clue where to start? Feel free to leave comments below.

By the way, if you ever need beats or lyrics; feel free to check out my website (below). For now I’m going.

How to be a better rapper in 5 easy steps

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